A lot of men I have been working with report their longing for connection with other men. With their (old) friends they can only go to a certain level, but there is a deep yearning to go deeper: to go where it becomes slightly uncomfortable and vulnerable, but where you inevitably get closer to who you truly are…
Where do you find these men? Where do you find these men that are willing to show themselves and who are willing to take the risk to expose themselves?
Wouldn’t it be great to hang out with a group of like minded men? Men that speak the same language and face similar challenges as you do? Over the past 8 years I have worked with more than 1000 men in different settings:
groups, weekends,
1-on-1 coaching, etc. All these men have one thing in common: they want to become better men for themselves and their loved ones and they are willing to put effort in that. For a long time, I have had a deep-seated desire to bring this hugely diverse group of great men together.